Planned Projects

Ümraniye Industry Zone

Ümraniye Industry Zone

Projected on 530.000 m2 of land in Esenkent, neighborhood on the Anatolian Side of Istanbul, Ümraniye Industrial Zone, which will be an advanced technology and export-oriented industry and industrial base within the scope of the Industrial Zones Law No. 4737, has started the working process. Different industrial zones around the world have been examined and a model suitable for the region has been created, and work continues under the leadership of Boğaziçi Land Development and Planning.

Green energy, zero waste policy, recycling facilities and industrial facilities that will produce high added value are being established. The industrial zone which will be realized right next to the Anadolu Highway, is getting rid of the old industrial sites on it and gaining a modern structure. Infrastructure works are being carried out by considering everything for industrial investment, and bureaucratic and legal processes are being completed. Industrial facilities parcels of lands are ready for construction.